Monday, June 08, 2009

He's a man of few...but funny words

A lot of people think my sweet hubby is a very quiet man...but if you really know him well, he is hilarious, witty and quite the smarty pants. Case in point was last night. My parents invited us over to swim and to have dinner. Hubby being the great son-in-law that he is, started cleaning up the dishes while a few of us poky people were finishing up. He didn't turn on the kitchen lights, so when my mom walked into to kitchen to help, she asked him why he was working in the dark.

His reply, with one of his HUGE contiguous grins on his face was "I do my best work in the dark!!" She and I busted out laughing, especially since I'm eight months preggo right now!! She told him those were details a mother didn't need to know about her daughter, and that she'd judge how good his work was when the baby was born. Of course, this little guy will be as fabulous as his two older brothers, so I'm sure I won't need to cash in on any money-back guarantees for hubby's darkroom work:-) I just love that side of him!!

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