Friday, October 30, 2009
Updates on Charlie
The second milestone is good for him, but stinks for me. Two weeks ago, I stopped eating any dairy, fruit or fresh vegges because he was having so much trouble with gas. His gas really died down, so we knew the omissions were working. I decided to add some dairy back in last night in the form of Jason's super yummy homemade pizza. Was that ever a mistake!!! The gas hit him like a ton of bricks today, and of course, it had to happen while Coco was keeping him. She had to endure a screaming baby until she could get him to pass some of the gas. So, I will no longer be eating any dairy. Does anyone know if I can take calcium so I don't miss out while I'm boycotting milk products? Man, do I ever miss my nightly schooner of chocolate milk...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Birthday Boys!!

Hard to believe, but the big boys (not to be confused with the little boys -- lucky Carter can fall into either category depending on the situation) are now 8 and 4!! We had their party at a local art studio. Each child (there were 17 kiddos!!) got to choose a piece of pottery to paint. They could also make bead necklaces, paint with watercolors, and make crowns. All the kids had a great time, and all the parents were amazed at how quiet it was with so many kids in one room. That's what happens when you keep them busy.
Griffin painted a new piggy bank with Coco. Carter painted a "fire-breathing dragon" with his daddy...well actually Daddy painted it and Carter supervised. Jason also painted me a beautiful cross for our home. We will pick all the pieces next week after they have been fired in the kiln.
When it came it to open presents, Carter was so stinking cute. With every package he opened, and I mean every one, he yelled "This is my best present. It's just what I wanted!!!" He is so precious. Griffin was a bit more subdued, but he loved all his gifts.
If you are wondering about baby Charlie, he stayed home with a very dear friend of ours, Janice. She has a precious 10-month-old grandson, so she was right at home caring for Charlie. It was so nice to be able focus on the big boys for their special day. I know they enjoyed having us to themselves for a little while.
Let's relive the party, shall we?
Griffin and his best friend and cousin, Conner.

Grif and Coco painting Ms. Piggy(bank).

Carter and Daddy paint the fire-breathing dragon.

Griffin and his crown.
Carter's super yummy cake.

Get ready to blow...

Now, blow!!

Griffin's chocolate fudge cake.

Carter loved all his presents.

Carter and all his peeps.

Griffin and his gang.

Friday, October 23, 2009
Forgot to mention...
I'm a slacker, I know:-0
1. 3 kids
2. working 3 days a week at GameStop
3. a baby who doesn't always like to sleep
4. 2 bouts of swine flu (Griffin and Charlie)
5. laundry and toys that multiply when I'm not home to watch them
Okay, enough whining about my life. It's really wonderful...just stressful right now. But every day things are getting better with Charlie.
So, how's Charlie you ask? He's fabulous. He smiles all the time now and makes the cutest baby sounds. He can be a real pill about sleeping during the day, so I don't get much done around the house. Charlie is almost 3 1/2 months old now (can you BELIEVE IT!!!). He just started rolling over this week, but he gets stuck on one arm, which really tees him off.

Griffin continues to love school. We got his first report card, and it was straight As as usual. He is a reading machine...he is so my child. I can remember the joy I got from buying Scholastic books at school when I was a kid.
Carter Magee has started Museum School at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. He is learning about all sorts of animals, and the class is the highlight of his week. Today, they learned about bats.
Pig party
Last weekend, we went to my cousin's house for a birthday party. Little did we know it was actually a swine flu party as three of the seven cousins who could get sick (Griffin has already had it, so he was immune) have come down with piggy fever this week!!
Here are some fun photos from the party. First we have sweet Coco and baby Charlie showing off his smile.
Here are four of my favorite men in the world (my brother is missing unfortunately, or it would be five!!) -- my hubby, my two cousins and my dad. Notice my cousin and my dad go to the same hair stylist.
Out of eight great grandchildren, there are seven boys and one girl. Sounds like me growing up -- three boys and ME!! This is my angel, Sydney, and cousin Jonathan, Carter's best buddy who is almost 4.

Are they cute or what!!