Tuesday, December 01, 2009

24 days and counting....

and I don't have one stinking Christmas present bought yet!!! Oh, I have lots of ideas, but no time to act on them. Plus, for some reason I have no desire to drag out the tree this year. Okay, let's be honest, I have no desire to watch Jason drag out the tree and meticulously put all the lights on it. My job is putting on the ornaments, which I let the boys do last year. Perhaps this weekend I'll get in the mood.

Jason, the overachiever, put up the outside lights this weekend. We got new ones this year, and they look awesome!! And we've only burned up one timer so far with them -- he he he. Once it quits raining, I'll post a photo of the lights.

Ta ta for tonight:-)


  1. Our tree is out but not up. I have not bought any gifts either. I think you know what ours is this year!

  2. We are only decorating the 14 foot ficus that lives in the middle of our living room. Oh well Merry Christmas
