Saturday, November 14, 2009

Charlie is 4 months old today!!!

Where have 4 months gone already? Where have 8 years gone?!?!?!? I can't believe it's been 4 months since we were blessed with Charlie. He is rolling over, holding his head up all the time, and trying to sit up some!! He is sleeping better at night, but the days are still iffy...if you hold him he sleeps, if not, he probably won't:-(

Here are some pictures I took yesterday and today of Charlie Owen:

These next two pictures are Griffin at 4 months. Charlie favors Grif more than Carter Magee, I think.

Don't you love his big pretty eyes in that one!!

These last pictures are Carter Magee when he was 4 months old. They have the exact same chin...although Charlie doesn't have the chubby cheeks and jaw like his brother.

I just love my boys!!!!


  1. I could just eat them both up! I think Charlie is the perfect blend of both brothers.

  2. Ooops! I meant all three! Hard to get used to that. I love them all.
