Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday's update

We spent almost all day up with the baby. Griffin and Carter wanted to see their brother (Grif saw him at the Harris NICU, but Carter did not). Griffin asked lots of questions about all the tubes and machines and was very introspective the entire time. Carter, on the other hand, was, well Carter. He asked when the baby was coming home and why he was "in that box". After that, he was ready to go back to the waiting room with Papa (my dad).

Note -- Kleenex alert!!! Griffin told my parents that he "took a picture of the baby in his head and Photoshopped out all the tubes and equipment". He told them all he can see now in his head is the picture of a really cute baby.

Okay, if your tears are dry, onto the day's progress. Overall, it was a good day. He did have a few setbacks early as he had to have a blood transfusion around 5 a.m. due to all the blood they draw for his endless labs. And because he had been lying flat on his back so long, the top part of his right lung partially collapsed. His doc wasn't too worried about the lung as it's a fairly common problem for these babies.

In the afternoon, he was able to start taking some breast milk in his feeding tube. He got a whopping one teaspoon at 2 p.m. and another teaspoon in the evening. And they weaned him off of the nitric oxide, which was helping to keep the blood vessels in his lungs dilated. So the good news on that is he is able to keep the vessels open now on his own!! He was on 60% oxygen, which is a great number given he is off the nitric oxide now.

I'm headed up there shortly for the day. Jason is going to play with Griffin and give him some special time. He really needs time with his daddy today, so they are going to ride four-wheelers for a while. Carter is in hog heaven at Granny's, so we might not see him for about three days!!

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